Massage to release the sciatic nerve

  1. How to relieve sciatic pain?
  2. 4 positive effects of a massage on the sciatic nerve
  3. How to find the ideal massage chair for me?

Massage chairs

Why does sciatic pain always become more present as we become older? The sciatic nerve is the longest nerve in the human body, and extends from the spine to the back of each leg.

When this nerve is irritated or compressed, it can cause pain, numbness and tingling in the leg, as well as back pain. Fortunately, there is a solution, a good massage can be an effective way to relieve the symptoms of sciatica and release tension in the nerve. Discover all the details in our Komoder article!

How to relieve sciatic pain?

Massage is a therapeutic technique that is used to relieve muscle tension, improve circulation and reduce pain. When applying pressure on the soft muscles and tissues, a masseuse can loosen the knots and contractures that may be causing the completion of the sciatic nerve. Massage can also increase blood and oxygen flow to the muscles, which helps accelerate healing.

There are several types of massage that can be beneficial for sciatica. The Swedish massage is a type of massage that uses long and soft movements to relax muscles and improve circulation. The deep tissue massage, on the other hand, uses slower movements to reach the layers of connective tissue under the muscles and loosen knots and contractures. There are also specific massages for sciatica, which focus on soft muscles and tissues around the sciatic nerve to relieve pressure.

However, for those who do not have much mobility to leave home, or simply do not want, there is also the option of massage chairs that can be useful to relieve the symptoms of sciatica. They are designed to provide a deep and relaxing massage throughout the body, including the back and legs where the sciatic nerve is located. By using advanced technology such as massage rollers or air compression, these massage chairs can help release voltage in the muscles and reduce sciatic pain.

4 positive effects of a massage on the sciatic nerve

Un masaje puede tener varios efectos positivos en el cuerpo, incluyendo la reducción del dolor ciático, a través de los siguientes cambios:

  1. Relaxation and muscle loosening: when the muscles of the trunk, the nucleus and the lower back are tense, they can exert pressure on the sciatic nerve roots, which causes pain. Massage can stretch, loosen and extend the muscles, improving the pain and function of the lower back and legs;
  2. Circulation improvement: manual manipulation of soft tissues of massage stimulates blood vessels, improving the circulation of blood, oxygen and nutrients to painful areas, promoting healing;
  3. Endorphine release: the massage stimulates pressure receptors in the brain, releasing endorphins, which are the natural hormone of the body to feel good and reduce the pain;
  4. Stress reduction: stimulation of pressure receptors also helps reduce cortisol levels, stress hormone in the body, which provides a sense of relaxation and relief;

How to find the ideal massage chair for me?

Finding the best massages chairs is simple, take a look at our catalogue and read the characteristics of each one of them, we are sure that you will find the one that best suits your needs. And if you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us. We will be happy to help you.

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